Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Program for Vulvar and Vaginal Health

Vulvar and vaginal disorders causing pain, dryness, itching, discharge, burning, or discomfort are among the most distressing yet under-diagnosed and under-treated conditions. These conditions may be a result of menopause, hormonal contraception, cancer, infections, pelvic radiation, and chemotherapy or in some cases, are unexplained. Women of all ages often become frustrated, feel hopeless, and continue to suffer in silence, fearing that these symptoms (and the conditions that they represent) have no remedy.

The Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Program for Vulvar and Vaginal Health, in collaboration with the Department of Dermatology and the Programs for Menopause and Sexual Medicine, offers a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan that brings together the expertise of gynecologists, dermatologists, and pelvic floor physical therapists to treat sexual pain disorders, vulvodynia, infections, and dermatologic conditions that affect the vulva (external genitalia) and the vagina.

Learn more about the Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Program for Vulvar and Vaginal Health.

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